
NowMeta seeks to engagein the metaverse realm

NowMeta is excited to unveil its latest features as it advances towards its quest to revolutionize the metaverse. NowMeta’s gaming studios will create games for mobile and multi-platform platforms, including PCs.

Web 3.0 development, game development, NFT development, and Metaverse 101 learning and development for all ages will also be covered in the training courses.

NowMeta’s charity will support youngsters in the community through funding initiatives. These qualities center on the project’s main goal of offering a diverse range of entrepreneurship chances to NowMeta investors and establishing a fire trading market for them by enlisting the help of other industry professionals.



Opening the Metaverse

NowMeta intends to enhance Metaverse coin holders’ experiences by providing staking alternatives, liquidity, and varied returns. Furthermore, NowMeta investors will have access to internet networking platforms and will notice measurable changes in their life.

Players can earn money while playing NowMeta Games thanks to built-in features. As a result, both investors and consumers benefit. NowMeta will also allow holders to make passive revenue through staking.

Holders of the project will be able to acquire high-level training. When we develop this unique network, they will likewise grow from specialists in their respective disciplines. NowMeta will bring together entrepreneurs, angel investors, inventors, and individuals from diverse industries to network. By collaborating in the metaverse, the initiative will generate solutions for our communities.

On Meta Runway, the project will now feature the community’s avatar apparel. Artists will be able to make money while working 24 hours a day, seven days a week as a result of this development.

NowMeta Impact Award Show will honor the most creative and influential artists

The NowMeta Impact Award Show will honor the most creative and influential artists across all industries in the community. It is here that the team expresses its gratitude and appreciation for the initiative’s success. It will bring together businesses and individuals from both the metaverse and the real world.

Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

