
OpenAI Launches ChatGPT Plus for $20 a Month

OpenAI to Release a "Professional" Version of ChatGPT

OpenAI, the parent company of ChatGPT, has unveiled the premium version of its fastest-growing chatbot for $20 per month.

“We are piloting ChatGPT Plus, a subscription plan that offers faster response times and reliability during peak hours. And of course, the free tier of ChatGPT is still available,” OpenAI tweeted.

Also read: 30% of College Students Use ChatGPT

The new subscription plan, ChatGPTPlus, will cost $20 a month, and customers will be able to experience “faster response times” and “general access to ChatGPT, even during peak times,” as well as “priority access to new features and improvements,” OpenAI stated in its announcement.

OpenAI will send invitations to the service to those who have registered on its waitlist in the United States “over the coming week,” with plans to expand the rollout to other countries and regions in the near future.

Free access will continue

Meanwhile, free access to its chatbot will not be halted, as OpenAI “loves free users.”

“We love our free users and will continue to offer free access to ChatGPT. By offering this subscription pricing, we will be able to help support free access availability to as many people as possible,” mentioned in the statement.

ChatGPT has set the record for the fastest-growing user base with 100 million monthly users in the first month of 2023, according to Reuters. ChatGPT has reportedly gained an average of about 13 million unique visitors per day in January, more than double the levels of December.

Hence, with overwhelming support from the users, OpenAI did not take the risk of limiting its service to only paid users, which may force a downtrend in its growing number of users.

ChatGPT has become everyone’s best friend in preparing schoolwork and checking difficult and complex codes, from college students to computer programmers.

The continuity of free access is always good friend for job seekers too.

Half price from rumour

Just a week ago, it seemed like the pro version of this record-breaking AI chatbot would cost almost $42 per month.

Finally, the price has been revealed, and it looks like OpenAI tried to make it accessible for more people, including students and businesses.

OpenAI has even planned for the data pack to have more availability, as mentioned in the statement.

“We are actively exploring options for lower-cost plans, business plans, and data packs for more availability,” said OpenAI.

OpenAI has declared they’re learning from the research preview so that they “could learn more about the system’s strengths and weaknesses and gather user feedback.”

According to OpenAI, the system has received feedback from millions of people. As a result of this feedback, multiple significant updates have been implemented. The system has also been found to be useful for a variety of professional purposes, including content creation and editing, idea generation, programming support, in addition to acquiring new information.

Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

