
RIOT Penguins disrupts the NFT space

RIOT Penguins is a project that is geared toward newcomers to the NFT community.

“We take great delight in the fact that we are a tutorial for NFT, where you can relive all of the important moments in the history of NFT. You will be led through the fundamental implications and significance of holding an NFT by our wonderful discord server, which serves as a walkthrough.”

The RIOT Penguins team is working on getting a first alpha project ready

“We are going to post upcoming projects on Alpha Callers so that you can choose to either monetize them or acquire them on the secondary market. This will also fit nicely into the roadmap that we currently have. To participate in the majority of Alpha groups and to be able to listen to the calls, a monthly membership fee is required. That will not be the case in this location. Some of the calls will be made public, and some will be incorporated into our brand-new leveling system, which will become available as soon as our Riot Penguin NFTs are hit. Having Penguins in your inventory will let you to level up and take part in an increasing number of alpha calls as your level increases.”

The fact that holders will benefit from additional projects and monthly prizes is the first utility that will be tied to the project. This project stands out from the others due to the recently revised system that was implemented. The holding of NFTs will become less difficult and more profitable as a result of RIOT Penguins’ implementation of this feature.

The ability to exchange and barter non-fungible tokens (NFTs) and tokens from other projects is another future feature that will be implemented. Following the release of the Currency, this feature will be incorporated into a platform that is appropriate for it. This P2P marketplace will also provide holders who want to trade NFTs directly with one another with an intermediate trading method.

Moreover, the business intends to establish an NFT pledge service, which would make it possible for anyone to pledge an NFT under a predetermined set of conditions.




Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

