
Submit your press release for $990!

Post your press release using the form below to reach’s global audience!

To apply you need to have an identified public team (we do not publish PRs from anonymous sources).

If approved and paid, we’ll include your press release in our main front page and each news post’s sidebar. The post will also feature on our dedicated Press Releases page.

You can also choose to pay an extra $499 for the social media package – sharing your PR on our channels Twitter, Facebook and Telegram. 

Please take note of the following instructions:

  • Please specify a publishing time at least 24 hours in advance (CET, Central European Time zone).
  • Keep your title (headline) short (max 100 characters) and make it relevant (make sure to mention the service/product brand name in your title/headline).
  • Indicate links in brackets (max 2 URLs if you choose this method), or use the GDoc URL option and indicate links in your Google Doc (max 5 URLs if you choose this method).
  • Exclamation marks are not allowed in titles.
  • News category words like “Review, Test, Report, Interview, Guide” are not allowed in PRs’ titles or sponsored posts’ titles. Do not word your PR like it was written by our editorial staff. Make sure to follow standard PR guidelines, or apply for our Sponsored post option by [email protected].
  • PRs should contain zero formatting as they are syndicated worldwide in many different contexts. If you need bold text, bigger subtitles, inline images and other formatting of the post please choose the Sponsored Post option.
  • Max Length – PR: 800 words. Sponsored Post: 1500 words.
  • Remember to add a relevant featured image (2560px width and 1440px height), for display above the post and in the list view to the right on the news front page, as well as in news posts’ sidebars.
  • No more than 100 characters of text in the pic max including logo. Only 1 image allowed (the featured one, which will also show up on our front page). No inline images are allowed in PRs.
  • Submission does not in any way guarantee approval and publication.
  • Again, please follow standard PR guidelines. Your PR should mainly and immediately reference your own product/service/brand and not others.

To add our news feed to your site including PRs use this RSS feed:

After your submission, please wait for an email with confirmation of approval, which will include instructions on how to pay. 

We accept USDT, ETH and BTC only. No fiat, bank transfers, cheques, paypal or similar.

If you need to publish inline images, graphics, high-lighted quotes, charts etc please consider the sponsored post option; contact [email protected] to learn more.

Please also beware of the fact that we do not offer the service of updating your PR after publishing it (we can remove it though if needed).

Press Release

Price: $990

Press Release with social media

Price: $1489

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