
CFDA partners for the metaverse

The Council of Fashion Designers of America (CFDA) announced on Tuesday its official entry into Web3, alongside the launch of its first-ever metaverse and NFT partnership and educational program.

American fashion in the metaverse it has partnered with creative consultancy 5Crypto

It has teamed with creative consultant 5Crypto, who will work with The Sandbox and Polygon Studios to build a Web3 template for American fashion in the metaverse. The CFDA will be able to bridge the gap between fashion and cryptocurrency by providing members with the knowledge and resources they need to usher in the next wave of commerce.

It will, in particular, offer Web3 to a broader consumer sector and provide brands with information that will enable them to engage and empower their communities genuinely. The CFDA will also provide professional development and educational resources to its members.

“Our objective is to position our members as global leaders in fashion and retail innovation through digitally led initiatives that promote growth and expansion,” said CFDA CEO Steven Kolb.

“The CFDA is positioned to educate and develop business leaders for years to come with the help of The Sandbox and Polygon Studios.”

The Sandbox, a leading metaverse, allows creators to create their own virtual and gamified worlds while also providing limitless opportunities for cooperation and innovation. Snoop Dogg, Gucci, and Adidas are among the previous collaborations.

The CFDA is the foremost authority in American Fashion

“The CFDA is the leading authority in American fashion, and we are delighted to be collaborating with them on their venture into the metaverse,” said Arthur Madrid, co-founder and COO of The Sandbox.

“We believe that the metaverse will be the next frontier of expression, with avatars serving as extensions of our digital identities.” We’re ecstatic to provide fashion designers with new creative tools for creating NFT collections with digital ownership and scarcity that will be playable in the metaverse!”


Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

