Dragon Fam is a true community-driven initiative that focuses on an in-real-life brand, art, and utility. It consists of 6,666 baby dragons in a rainbow of colors, each with their own set of distinctive, hand-drawn characteristics. This project, which is being led by the community and the arts, is bringing together services that are useful to both adults and children.
“We not only want to be a well-known brand on Web3, but we also want to make an entrance into the IRL market. Through the development of our children’s product line, it is our intention to fulfill our purpose of spreading joy and affection to young people. Some of the initial concepts that we are considering include coloring books, toys, merchandising, and smartphone applications.”
“We place a high value on the creative process, and as such, we would like to promote emerging artists by giving them a platform on Medium, Twitch, or Discord. Our Dragon Anti Rug Squad will contribute to the creation of a more secure environment on the web3 and will assist rugged projects.”
Dragon Fam is an endeavor that is entirely community-driven. The development of an IRL brand, which will place a significant emphasis on products geared at children, is going to be one of the initial steps of the project. Donations to charitable organizations will be made using a portion of the profits that will be set aside for this purpose.
In point of fact, the community is the first priority for Dragon Fam, which is why the team began providing IRL functionality several months before the mint was ever established. Users of the official Dragon Fam Discord channel have the opportunity to win real-world currency and prizes simply by maintaining an active membership in Dragon Fam.
Dragon Coin is a proprietary money that is only valid within the confines of the Dragon Fam ecosystem, where it may be earned and spent. The value will not fluctuate at all, nor will it be available for trading on any exchanges
“The staff has put together a Dragon Coin Shop in our Discord server, which will allow you to trade in real-world prizes in exchange for your digital currency.”
“Finding projects that have the potential to become rugs is the mission of our Dragon Anti-Rug Squad, which will devote itself to making the Web3 space a safer place. Before other people spend their money into the project, we not only want to protect ourselves, but also other individuals. In addition, one of our goals is to lend a hand to hardy initiatives that have been abandoned by their founders so that the community can pick up the pieces, locate a new starting point, and begin again. When it comes to the Web3 space, we don’t want to be a part of the problem, but rather a part of the solution.”
Twitter: twitter.com/DragonFamNFT
Discord: discord.com/invite/zkGwYZynda