
Hoping Club launches new NFT collection

The elite club of “Hoping Club“, invested by Wall Street giants, recently launched a new business for value evaluation and impawn mortgage of digital art NFT collections.

Hoping Club chose this line of business because, on the one hand, its high-end talent membership system has provided it with a wide range of business contacts, providing a business foundation for Hoping Club; on the other hand, it is considered to make full use of its own team’s expertise in the field of blockchain and NFT to provide accurate evaluation of the true value of customers’ NFT.

Of course, the “Viking Long” and other funds it relies on, as well as the investment company’s appropriate resources, are the most significant factors. It has offered a significant assurance for the auction guarantee bank’s viability. It has, in some ways, ushered in a new age for NFT auction guarantee banks.

Hoping Club revealed that the profit point of this business comes from lending to customers and resale of retail goods

The profit point of this firm, according to Hoping Club, is mostly derived from lending to clients and the resale of retail goods. Customers’ virtual digital trading items are mortgaged, and the collateral is appraised. A certain interest rate will be levied by lending funds to clients within the value range of these trade products. The customer will give the pawnbroker custody of the loan collateral.

The pawnbroker has the right to recover the digital art NFT if the consumer fails to repay the loan and interest on time, which implies the digital art NFT no longer belongs to the customer. Retail digital art NFT, which can be sold here, is also available through pawnbrokers. In the six months since its start, the company’s total transaction volume has surpassed $50 million, involving hundreds of NFT works of art, such as CryptoKitties, CryptoPunks, NBA Top Shot, Meebits, and so on.

At the time, Hoping Club created the NFT impawn mortgage business, which filled a market void. Its success probably aided the rapid growth of the entire NFT market.


Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

