
Category: Product Watch

Authenticity is Boring, as BeFake Thrives on Fakeness

Authenticity is Boring, as BeFake Thrives on Fakeness

AI-firm Alias Technologies has developed an AI-powered social media platform known as BeFake, adding pressure to the already existing social platforms like Facebook and Instagram. The irony with the platform is that users on BeFake can genuinely express themselves through

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"Is 'X' (Twitter) Still Suspending Accounts Unjustly?

“Is ‘X’ (Twitter) Still Suspending Accounts Unjustly?

‘X,’ formerly known as Twitter, is navigating a sea of criticism and scrutiny amid accusations of suspending accounts without justifiable reasons, even after the platform’s shift towards a more user-friendly and transparent model.  The platform’s conduct prompts a pertinent question:

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