
Meta prepared a special metaverse-ad for its Quest 2 VR

While Facebook’s daily user count may have stalled, parent company Meta is already looking towards the next stage, by shifting its attention to the theoretical ‘metaverse’. And how we’ll all be interacting in fully digital environments in the very near future.



Meta is looking to promote its Quest 2 VR headsets

Using the story of an out-of-work dog mascot who rediscovers old friends in Meta’s version of the metaverse. Which, at least in this scenario, will exist within VR. Meta is hoping to advertise its Quest 2 VR headsets during the Super Bowl hype train.

As Meta is quick to point out, this isn’t the entire metaverse story. Indeed, Meta has stated repeatedly that the metaverse will include AR, VR, machine learning, AI, advanced wearable gadgets, and more, as per its vision.

According to Meta’s increasing public relations campaign, any emerging technology of any kind will tie back into the metaverse. Which is intriguing because, by changing its name to ‘Meta,’. And using that umbrella term to include all types of tangentially related innovation. Meta is gradually gaining greater association with the phrase, which doesn’t really imply anything in a broader sense.

AR will work independently of any metaverse

A’metaverse,’ after all, can refer to a variety of things. However it’s currently being referred to as this new, all-encompassing digital connection area. However, AR and AI functions will work independently of any metaverse, so it’ll be interesting to observe how Meta is reshaping the larger narrative. Which will eventually put it in the driver’s seat in driving the next generation of tech advancement.

That, of course, includes its virtual reality headsets. While sales of the Quest 2 are increasing, we still have a long way to go before we’re all hanging out with friends in this immersive world full of limitless possibilities.

But it appears that’s the direction we’re going. It’s just not clear how we’ll get there from all the numerous broken elements that Meta is trying to piece together.

In reality, Meta’s vision of the metaverse. As depicted in different video clips and presentations, is just its virtual reality environment. Which it hopes to grow into a social alternative via Horizon Worlds and other platforms.

Image credits: Shutterstock, CC images, Midjourney, Unsplash.

